
Tennis Australia, in conjunction with Member Associations, is committed to embracing diversity by ensuring our sport and events welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. We believe that being inclusive is reflecting the diversity of our local communities and that everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful.

Inclusion is about providing choice for people to participate in sport in a way that they feel comfortable. As well as mainstream tennis opportunities, there are a variety of initiatives for people who are blind or have low vision can choose to participate in, plus a range of elite competitive pathway opportunities.

Fill out our Expression of Interest form if you want to understand more about the range of opportunities, activities and programs available

Success stories

Somerton Park Tennis Club hosts Blind Tennis sessions which is a fantastic way for adults and kids who are blind or have low vision to experience the game of tennis. Participants use audible tennis balls on modified courts, play with smaller racquets and follow rules that are relaxed for fun and enjoyment.

In conjunction with Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria and VicHealth, Tennis Victoria visited the Adult Blind Tennis program. Hosted at Melbourne Park in the National Tennis Centre, this program allows participants who are visually impaired to access the sport in a fun environment.

In conjunction with Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria and VicHealth, Tennis Victoria ventured out to document the Junior Blind Tennis program. Hosted at Melbourne Park in the National Tennis Centre, this program allows children who are visually impaired to access the sport in a fun environment.

Our commitment

Tennis Australia is committed to increasing opportunities and accessibility to tennis for people who are blind or have low vision through:

  • Engagement with stakeholders and community
  • Educating clubs and coaches
  • Providing pathway opportunities
  • Creating equal playing opportunities through community events and tournaments


We are proud to work alongside our partners to grow the game for participants who are blind or have low vision across Australia and around the world. Our partners have guided us on updating policies and procedures, ensuring inclusion of people who are blind or have low vision to participate in tennis at all levels, whether that be as a player, official, spectator, volunteer or staff.

Blind Sports Australia

Blind Sports Australia is the national governing body for blind and vision-impaired sport in Australia, and it is the international representative to the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA).

Together, these organisations seek to work in the best interests of blind and vision-impaired participants to keep blind sports strong and healthy at all levels, both on and off the arena of sport.

Visit www.blindsportsaustralia.com.au.

Am I eligible?

There are 4 Sport Classes (categories) of Blind and Low Vision Tennis:

Sport Class Eligibility Criteria Tennis Australia Events
B1 Visual acuity poorer than LogMAR 2.60
  • State Blind & Low Vision Tennis Tournaments
  • Australian Blind & Low Vision Tennis Championships
B2 Visual acuity ranging from LogMAR 1.50 to 2.60 (inclusive)
B3 Visual acuity ranging from LogMAR 1.0 to 1.40 (inclusive) OR visual fields less than 10 degrees diameter and visual acuity better than 0.5 (B4)
B4 Visual acuity ranging from LogMAR 0.5 to 0.9 (inclusive) OR visual fields less than 40 degrees diameter and visual acuity better than 0.5.

(Source: International Blind Tennis Association)

How to get Classified?

Download the Tennis Australia Blind & Low Vision Classification Guidelines.

Provisional Classification Steps:
1. Complete the Medical Diagnostics Form (MDF).
2. The form is to be completed in English and by a registered
ophthalmologist, optometrist or orthoptist.
3. Attach all medical documentation required on pages 2-3 of the MDF.
4. The form and the attached medical documentation may not be older than
12 months at the time of the player evaluation.
5. Once completed please send to: [email protected]
6. Notification of Sport Class and Status will be sent to the player
via email.

The form is to be completed in English and by a registered ophthalmologist, optometrist, orthoptist.

Attach all medical documentation required on pages 2-3 of the form.

The form and the attached medical documentation may not be older than 12 months at the time of the Player Evaluation.

Once completed please send to: [email protected].


For more information, please contact [email protected] or contact your local Member Association to find out what programs are available in your area.