Wheelchair Loan Program
Tennis Australia and its Member Associations have tennis sports chairs to use through its Wheelchair Loan Program.
The chairs are located in the following locations: Tennis SA, WA, NSW, QLD, VIC, ACT & TAS.
The Wheelchair Loan Program offers the opportunity for both children & adults to make use of a tennis specific sports chair for a period of three or six months, for both tennis & non-contact activities.
To get started click here to apply OR for more information contact wheelchairtennis@tennis.com.au.
Tennis Australia has recently signed a preferred supplier partnership with Melrose Wheelchairs. Through a TA referral, the supplier will guarantee a discounted rate off the RRP. Once the referral form has been filled out, please contact Melrose Wheelchairs (bryce@melrosewheelchairs.com.au) for a quote to investigate the options of purchasing a custom, individually specific sports chair.
For more information on Melrose Wheelchairs products, visit: http://www.melrosewheelchairs.com.au/
See how our wheelchair loan program is helping the community: