
5 April 2011 | Tennis Queensland

Win a free term of tennis!!!!

The Global Financial Crisis has impacted on many families and tennis related expenses can have an impact on participation.

To help out players of the GC, the Gold Coast Regional Assembly (Tennis Queensland affiliated bodies on the Gold Coast) is offering a free term of coaching to the value of $160 to 6 lucky players ($960 in total).

Players can nominate themselves in writing to the Gold Coast Community Tennis Officer Nathan Griffiths at [email protected].

Players must write in 25 words or less why they would like to win the free term of coaching.

Coaches can also nominate a player they feel deserves the prize!! Maximum 2 nominations (different players) can be made by a coach.

Maximum 1 nomination can be made per player.

Only one prize can be won per player.

Entries close 25th May 2011.

Winning players will be drawn from a hat at the Gold Coast Regional Assembly Meeting on June 1 2011 and a bonus prize will be awarded for the most creative answer!! Winners will be notified by email and announced on the Gold Coast region website at

You have to be in it to win it!!!!