
14 April 2011 | Tennis Queensland

Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club have been treating local residents to FREE tennis lessons thanks to the Sport & Recreation ACTIVE Inclusion Program!

Sport Minister Phil Reeves said the Bligh Government is committed to developing more opportunities for Queenslanders to get involved in sport and recreation.

“We want more accessible facilities that can support local and regional events and get more people of all ages and abilities involved in sport and recreation,” Mr Reeves said.

“Under our Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland initiative, we want to help Queenslanders become Australia’s healthiest people.

“By continuing to fund sport and recreation facilities, we’re making it easier for people to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.”

With inspiration from their head coach Mike Golds, the Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club took it upon themselves to apply for the grant, which has seen free tennis coaching clinics held over a period of 8 weeks. 

“These free lessons really help people gain confidence in their tennis skills and capabilities,” Mike Golds said.

“There are just so many positives that have come out of hosting free tennis days. People are taking part in physical activity, socialising and meeting new friends, plus getting back into a wonderful sport- tennis.”

With the help of the Sport & Recreation ACTIVE Inclusion Program, the Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club’s free clinics have helped people renew their love for Australia’s favourite sport, tennis.

Find out more about the Sport and Recreation ACTIVE Inclusion Program .

Contact the Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club about their free lessons on ph:(07) 5572 3422.