
20 April 2011 | Tennis Queensland

Tennis Queensland was honoured to receive a wonderful anecdote from Dr Charles Roe, regarding his father Dr Stanley Roe and King George VI (formerly Albert, the Duke of York).

After the release of “The King’s Speech,” a highly acclaimed movie about King George VI (otherwise known as Bertie) and his speech defect, Dr Charles Roe was prompted to re-tell a story involving the King during a Queensland trip in 1927…

“At that time George V was on the throne and deputed his son Albert, Duke of York (later King George VI) to open the new Australian Houses of Parliament, Canberra. 

This the Duke did in style, after which he and the Duchess of York toured the States spending several days in Brisbane while staying at Government House.

The Duke was a keen and quite good tennis player – one of those tiresome left-handers – so the powers-that-be, arranged a tennis afternoon (Government House had a well-kept grass court). 

Some tennis players were invited to the party, among them three local tennis identities.  These were:  E.F. ‘Gar’ Moon (Queensland and Australian singles champion), my father Stanley Roe (a practicing surgeon urologist) who was known as the Oxford University “Tennis Blue,” and Len Thurlow, a good tournament player and tennis coach. 

My father and Len were a regular doubles pair. A mens doubles was arranged.  The Duke of York and Gar Moon played my father Stanley Roe, and his friend Len Thurlow. 

There was some excellent tennis, applauded vigorously by onlookers who included the Governor of Queensland and his wife.  A hard fought match and an entertaining afternoon. Surprise, surprise!  The Duke and Gar won 6-4!

At afternoon tea, the Duke chatted happily – he had no real speech problem when he was in a small informal group.”

Dr Charles Roe was this year’s recipient of the highest commendation, an ORDER OF AUSTRALIA for his service to Medicine, particularly through contributions to the Australian Medical Association Queensland and to the community.

He is also a super-senior player for ages 60 to 85+ Men and was Captain of Queensland Men’s 75/2 team which played in Australian Seniors Teams Championships on Gold Coast in 2010 and in Newcastle in 2001.  He still plays tennis regularly on Gold Coast.