
25 May 2011 | Tennis Queensland

Tennis Queensland has brought tennis into the schools of some of Queensland’s most isolated indigenous communities. The first two clinics visited the Cape York communities of Coen and Aurukun and resulted in the successful incorporation of tennis into weekly school sports lessons.

At the clinics, children were introduced to tennis using the MLC Tennis Hotshots program. This initiative was extremely well received with positive reports from community leaders and school teachers, as well as those students who participated in the program.

Tennis Australia donated nets, racquets, mini nets and balls in order to encourage weekly tennis development during school sport lessons.

Sport is an essential positive social outlet in these communities, and tennis provides team and individual opportunities for both boys and girls.

In such isolated environments, the clinics aim to provide positive lifestyle alternatives for the community’s youth, offering leadership, pride and confidence.

The program has been such a success that it will soon be implemented in Hopevale and Croydon, with additional interest being expressed by Yarrabah and Bamaga. A number of adults have expressed interest in participating in the MLC Tennis Hotshots Deliver Course as well as gain coaching accreditation in order to maintain tennis within their region.

This is an extremely positive step in developing tennis in rural Queensland, and as a result, these development courses will be held in Cairns later this year.

Cape York Partnerships wish to thank both Tennis Queensland and Tennis Australia for their support and hope to form a stronger partnership in the future along with creating greater opportunities for the further development of the program.