
26 May 2011 | Tennis Queensland

Queensland’s own John-Patrick Smith (affectionately known as JP) has taken the top US college honours of being named four-time All-American in singles and doubles. This is only the second time in United States college history that the same player has taken both the singles and doubles title.

JP is widely considered one of the most successful players in US college history. He has been a consistent champion for the University of Tennessee having been ranked no.1 in both singles and doubles throughout his four year college career.

He also holds another rare claim to US college history. JP was twice named player of the year in the most competitive university draw in the United States. He shares this honour with only one other player; John Isner.

Before taking the US college circuit by storm, the Queenslander reached a world junior ranking of 5; a position which enabled him to gain a tennis scholarship to the University of Tennessee.

JP completes his economics degree this year and – while he has enjoyed his time at college – is looking forward to kick-starting his professional tennis career at the ATP Malaysian Open which begins 26 September 2011.