11 January 2013 | Tennis Queensland
Sunshine Coast Community Tennis Officer: Paul Wallace
It is our pleasure to introduce to you all Paul Wallace, the Sunshine Coast Community Tennis Officer.
Paul brings to the Tennis Queensland team and the Sunshine Coast region his great passion for tennis as well as extensive experience in tennis coaching and fitness. He has competed at both a national and regional level and upon graduating in 2010 with a Bachelor of Sport Management, Paul spent a year and a half in Madrid, Spain, where he travelled and coached tennis. As mentioned he has a background in coaching and personal training/fitness and is very passionate about promoting the benefits of tennis and leading a healthy lifestyle.
He comes into this role excited to make change, assist affiliates and coaches, build relationships, and make tennis a part of life for everyone on the Sunshine Coast.
Paul will be based at the Mooloolaba Tennis Club and can be contacted on 0411762342 or pwallace@tennis.com.au