20 February 2013 | Tennis Queensland
The Kalynda Chase Open and Age tournament is to be conducted by the
16/17 MARCH, 2013
AMT Bronze $3,000 / OJT Bronze 12,14,16 age groups
Entries close: 2nd March
On behalf of the North Region Regional Assembly, we invite the tennis community of the North and Far North to play in this great community event.
All profits made from the event will go back into tennis in our immediate area. With everyone’s support, it will be a great event.
Events on Offer:
- AMT Mens & Womens singles and doubles
- A/B Grade Round Robin Mixed Saturday Night – 6:30 pm start
- A/B Grade Doubles Round Robin Sunday 10 am start
- All Junior Events in Doubles & Singles will be in continuous formats where possible
- 16/U Boys & Girls
- 14/U Boys & Girls
- 12/U Boys & Girls
- 10/U Green Ball singles & doubles
Tournament director: Lefty Wright
Tournament co-ordinator: Doug Kingston
Email: promosthatwork@bigpond.com
Phone: 0417 762 190
Click here for on-line entry