
8 March 2013 | Tennis Queensland

Are you looking for financial assistance to improve your tennis facility?

Affiliates of Tennis Queensland can now apply for funding of between $500 and $2000 in the Community Tennis Grant Program, thanks to Heritage Bank.

Heritage is proud to partner with Tennis Queensland to provide financial assistance to improve facilities in clubs throughout Queensland. It’s “Heritage’s way of helping to build Queensland’s Tennis community.”

The Program aims to assist clubs, associations and tennis centers to create more welcoming and sustainable facilities. In previous years, the Heritage Bank Community Tennis Grant Program has assisted clubs to build hitting walls, shade structures, drink fountains and seating. It has also been used for club refurbishment and repainting. The grants are ultimately designed to help clubs attract more people to play tennis – more often.

If you are interested in applying for funds to improve your facility please make note of the following:

  1. You must be a Tennis Queensland affiliate to apply. Full conditions are addressed on the Application Form.
  2. Before submitting an application, please contact your local Community Tennis Officer
  3. Once you have made contact with your CTO, complete the 2013 Heritage Bank Community Grant Application Form and submit this to Elia Hill, Tennis Queensland Community Tennis Manager:
  4. A hard copy of this form will be mailed to all affiliates shortly. You may choose to complete either application form.
  5. All applicants must agree to follow the time line set by Tennis Queensland for submitting invoices, applying funds, etc. You must also agree to provide a written evaluation and assist your CTO to provide photo and video evidence of your facility development.

The Heritage Bank Grant program is just one of many benefits available to affiliates of Tennis Queensland. For more information about the opportunities available and how to become an affiliate visit Affiliate Information.