
11 March 2013 | Tennis Queensland

It is with great pleasure that we announce a second Junior Development Coaching Course for 2013 to be held in Brisbane.

Running from 3rd August to 8th December, this course will be hosted at the University of Queensland Tennis Centre, Brisbane.

An enrolment form and full course schedule have been attached for your perusal and completion.

We are expecting high levels of interest in this course, so please be sure to complete the above listed form in detail and return as soon as possible.  Enrolments for this course close COB 5th July 2013 – NO LATE ENROLMENTS ACCEPTED.

Notes for application:

– Please complete the enrolment form in its entirety, being sure to add as much detail as possible.

– All enrolment forms must include payment details for the enrolment fee. This also includes those who will be completing/interested in completing the course under a Traineeship.

– If you are over the age of 18, a copy of your current Blue Card must be attached.

 If you have any questions relating to the course or enrolment process, please feel free to contact Courtney Haynes via, or calling 07 3120 7918.


Course Schedule

Enrolment Form