29 April 2013 | Tennis Queensland
The 2013 Sunshine Coast Veterans Tournament
The 2013 Sunshine Coast Veterans Tournament was held at Nambour from 19 to 21 April. Numbers for the tournament were well up on last year’s event with a total number of 140 participating. Fine weather was welcome after the rain.
Players competing came from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Hervey Bay, Murgon, Sunshine Coast , Bundaberg , and three from New South Wales.
A special thanks must go to May Young of Tennis Veterans Sunshine Coast for conducting the tournament..
2014 Australian Teams Carnival – Hobart – From 12-17 January
Join us for a week of competitive yet social tennis at the 2014 Australian Teams Carnival.
You can nominate to your State individually or as a team with your friends and every effort will be made to place you in a Queensland team. Teams should ideally consist of 5/6 players.
For the serious players, Australian Individual Seniors Championships (ITF) are played in the week after the Teams Carnival from 19-24 January.
Contact Secretary, Coral Vickers on…
Ph: 3349 4339
Mob: 0429 487 823
E-mail: tsq.tennis@bigpond.com
Nomination forms will be available from 30 June on our website www.tennisseniors.org.au/qld or from TSQ Secretary, Coral Vickers.
- Gold Coast Seniors May Tournament – May 4-5 – At Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club
- Dawson Callide Valley Seniors Tournament – May 18-19 – Biloela Tennis Assn courts
Entry forms available on the Tennis Seniors Queensland Website