
19 May 2013 | Tennis Queensland

Tennis Queensland attended the ACHPER Townsville conference last week. ACHPER is the peak professional body for the Health, Physical Education and Recreation profession in Queensland.

ACHPER allows Tennis Queensland the opportunity to interact with key contacts throughout QLD in primary and secondary schools.

TQ had the opportunity to chat to many primary and secondary teachers at the Trade Exhibition to educate them on the tennis opportunities that are available currently and that will exist in the future.

TQ then held a practical session with over 20 teachers learning about the MLC Tennis Hot Shots program. There was lots of constructive discussion in the session and the participants enjoyed learning concepts, games, fundamentals and how to interact with their students.

Teachers were then treated to a 45 minute Cardio Tennis session aimed towards Secondary School HPE teachers on the cardio tennis mass format in schools. Tennis Australia Cardio Tennis Secondary Schools Development Co-ordinator Sara Conyers and Cardio Tennis fitness trainer Krystina Marriott had all participants partaking in an awesome workout!

We were overwhelmed with the response to the MLC Tennis Hot Shots and Cardio Tennis showcase and look forward to discussing implementation with teachers in many of the schools around QLD.

Thanks to all the organisers of the ACHPER Townsville conference and for Sara and Kryssie for travelling to give everyone a great Cardio Tennis workout!