
27 May 2013 | Tennis Queensland

Tennis Queensland was fortunate enough to receive a generous donation recently from Dove – 20 boxes of tennis balls! 

During the Australian Open Dove had an on-ground campaign running whereby for every message of support the public registered for their favourite player, Dove would create a tennis ball to donate to a local tennis club around Australia. 

At the end of the activity they had over 15,000 messages of support registered to donate between various states in Australia. This meant that over 5,000 official Wilson/Dove branded balls were provided to Tennis Queensland.   

Tennis Queensland believed the best use of these would be in supporting our Inclusive Tennis Programs being run throughout the State. 

The donated tennis balls were distributed amongst TQ Affiliated Clubs that are currently supporting the inclusion programs as well as given to the State Coaches for Wheelchair and ID athletes to support their weekly and monthly training sessions. The balls will also continue to be used at Disability Come and Try Days and opportunities run by TQ Community Tennis Officers for the remainder of the year.

It is great to have organisations so supportive of the initiatives and programs that Tennis Queensland are running in their Wheelchair, Intellectual Disabilities, Blind and Deaf tennis programs.

We would like to give Dove a huge thankyou and we look forward to working with you further in the future!

For any further information on the Tennis Queensland Inclusive Programs please contact Tanya Corbett, Senior Community Tennis Officer via [email protected] or 0411 762 341. 

(Above) Alison Scott, State Coach for Intellectually Disabled athletes and her group of dedicated players showing their appreciation to Dove for all of the tennis balls they received. Picture taken at their monthly training at the Beenleigh Tennis Club.