
26 July 2013 | Tennis Queensland

Who do you know that demonstrates a healthy attitude towards tennis?

Nominations are open for the Medibank Junior Development Series Healthy Attitude Awards 2013. Each month between May and October this year, 2 winners will be selected to receive a $50 EFTPOS Gift Card and a Healthy Attitude Award medallion. All monthly winners will have the chance to win the grand prize of a family trip to the Australian Open at the end of the year!

Winners will be juniors who demonstrate the following criteria:

  • Positive attitude the player has towards the game
  • Commitment to their tennis and training
  • Positive behaviour the player has demonstrated that deserves to be recognised, and
  • Enthusiasm the player has for the sport.

If you know someone who fits this description Complete the MJDS Healthy Attitude Awards 2013 Form and you might be the reason they are rewarded for their awesome attitude!