
3 September 2013 | Tennis Queensland

Are you ready for the AO Blitz?

September Spectacular!

What is the AO Blitz?

Tennis Queensland and Tennis Australia are offering an unmissable opportunity for coaches and their clubs to activate tennis in their schools and community!

What does this mean for me?

An opportunity for coaches to do Tennis In Schools (TIS) throughout the month of September. Every logged visit within this month will be recognised as a Blitz Opportunity Entry (BOE). The more BOE’s you earn from your visits, result in a higher chance to WIN a ‘TIS Extravaganza’

What is a Blitz Opportunity Entry?

Coaches who log their TIS visit = 1 BOE

If your school is a current registered National Schools Partnership Program venue = 3 BOE

How do I win a TIS Extravaganza?
Step 1:  Log your visit (prior to the physical date) on My Tennis with the following details:

  • What school you are visiting
  • Visit date
  • How many children will participate in your TIS
  • Every child that you see will receive a colouring in competition as well as the FREE prize from your logged visit
  • To access your My Tennis to log your visits, please click here, please also see instruction sheet attached.

What does the TIS Extravaganza look like?

The winning coach will win a TIS Extravaganza (for a school of your choice) which will include the following initiatives and prizes:

  • School assembly presentation with a video
  • Visit from the local Tennis QLD Community Tennis Officer
  • MLC Tennis Hot Shots Lessons
  • Giveaways
  • Prizes!!!
  • Special activities

* Please note that this AO Blitz opportunity is for the month of September (1 – 30 September).

To show your interest in this amazing opportunity, please contact Stephen Undery on or 0411 762 350 or Tanya Corbett via or 0411 762 341.