
11 February 2014 | Tennis Queensland

The Queensland Government established the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) in 1994 to provide funding to community groups in Queensland.

One-off grants of up to $35,000 (inclusive of GST) are allocated to approved not-for-profit organisations to help them provide community services or activities that benefit the Queensland community.

Read the funding guidelines for information on eligible organisations, eligible items, the assessment process, grant agreements and related information.

The GCBF receives money from gambling taxes. It distributes these funds to not-for-profit community groups on a quarterly basis. The current round closes on 28 February 2014.

For more information and to find out how to apply, visit


Community Benefit Funds Unit
Locked Bag 180
City East QLD 4002

Tel: (07) 3247 4284
Free call: 1800 633 619 (outside Brisbane)
Email: CBF Unit


The $150 Get Started Vouchers Are Now Available!

The distribution of Get Started vouchers is managed using an online system called QGrants. Parents, guardians and carers must register for a QGrants account before applying for a voucher.

Create a QQrants account (PDF, 565K)*

Already have a QGrants account? Login here

Organisations that satisfy the criteria through the provision of other eligible sport or recreation activities, e.g. calisthenics, marching, cheerleading or gymnastics.

Eligible children and young people that received a voucher in 2013 are eligible to apply for a voucher in 2014.

Voucher applications close on Wednesday 30 April 2014 (or earlier if allocation is fully subscribed) and allocated vouchers must be presented to a Get Started club by Thursday 15 May 2014.

Review the Information for Parents, Guardians and Carers

Find a Get Started registered club near you