14 April 2014 | Tennis Queensland

Your last oppoutunity to apply for the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) is closing soon on 31 May 2014.
Geographical area:
Whole of Queensland
Available funding:
Grants up to the value of $35,000 (inclusive of GST) are available.
Closing dates for 2013–14:
4 funding rounds each year
– 31 August
– 30 November
– 28 February
– 31 May
Funding guidelines:
The current funding round has closed. The next funding round opens mid-April 2014; please check the new funding guidelines at this time.
Apply for funding:
To apply for funding, you will first need to complete the application checklist( http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/corporate/sponsorships-and-grants/grants/community-benefit-funding-programs/funding-application-form-and-checklist ).
Review of applications:
The GCBF Committee( http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/corporate/sponsorships-and-grants/grants/community-benefit-funding-programs/gambling-community-benefit-fund-committee-members ) reviews and recommends eligible funding applications to the Minister.