20 May 2014 | Tennis Queensland
Many may have seen officials recently at a couple of JDS tournaments – Beenleigh and Shaw Park. Just as the JDS is a development series for players, it also provides a fantastic development opportunity for officials. Many of the Chair Umpires at these recent JDS tournaments, are very much in their early development stages of this particular officiating role. All have attended courses, now it’s time for their next level of learning at tournaments. Several of our new Line Umpires, have been able to achieve their certificate of accreditation at these tournaments. For these officials, it’s steps they need to take in working towards their goals and working towards gaining more experience. The more experience the line umpires can gain, the more opportunities they have to improve their grading. With many having the goal to officiate at the Brisbane International, time on court is ‘priceless’.
If you see us, the blue shirts, at a JDS please feel free to come and say ‘hi’. Take comfort these officials will be doing their absolute best and are super keen to learn, as they progress on their officiating journey.
No doubt many can appreciate, we all have to start somewhere!
We would also like to wish Nick Marjason all the best as he will be officiating for his first time on the beautiful clay courts at Roland Garros. Being selected to officiate at any of the four grand Slams is truly a special moment.
Last opportunity to register for the upcoming Court Supervisor Course:
- 3rd June (theory part) – Court Supervisors course to be held at the Queensland Tennis Centre. This is vital officiating role that assists referees, players and parents at tournaments. To be a part of this course you must be minimum age of 18 years old and register before 27th May. Time for theory session is 6:30pm to 9:30pm.
- There is a compulsory online pre-course component to be completed prior to the theory session on the 3rd.
- Part two to this course, is the practical component. Practical training will be held on the 8th and 9th June, at a junior tournament being played at Griffith University, Mt Gravatt.
Officiating Courses are free of charge
For further information or to register please contact the Officiating Development Coordinator, Qld – Cheryl Jenkins. Email – cjenkins@tennis.com.au or phone – 07 3120 7906 (available Tuesday and Thursday).
– Cheryl