
10 September 2014 | Tennis Queensland


On Tuesday, the 9th of September, Tennis Queensland had representation at the Sunshine Coast inclusions day called “Is Everybody Here.”  Nearly 300 kids from across the Sunshine Coast joined in on the day with their parents and teachers for a great day of fun, friendship and sport.

‘Is Everybody Here?’ is a full day ‘sports expo’ event for children aged 12 years and under. It aims to raise awareness with an emphasis on building pathways for children with a disability to access recreation and leisure opportunities in their community and to also give opportunities for clubs and organisations to find ways to include children with a disability.

The day included sport and recreation activity rotations, games, storytelling, circus skills, dance, yoga, information booths, static displays and more. Parents and carers  joined in with their children and each child received a show bag of valuable information to take home to assist in connecting them with local community organisations

“Is Everybody Here” Event Photos