
30 March 2015 | Tennis Queensland

Written by Cheryl Jenkins

Ever thought about becoming a Tennis Official?

Do you love to tennis? Do you love to help?

Maybe this could be a pathway for you within tennis!  People often ask, ‘why would I want to become an official?’  The answer from existing officials can vary, though for the majority the common reason to become an official is to be helping/working within the sport they love and have so much passion for.

Recently, many officials went to Redcliffe JDS to continue their professional development. Just as players need to keep practicing, so do officials. It’s vitally important that officials ‘keep their eye in’. The best way to do this, is being out on the court at tournaments. At Redcliffe, we had officials who have officiate at the Australian Open, Brisbane Open and some who have not too long ago started their officiating pathway. These professional development days at JDS tournaments are also a great introduction to players and parents about officials. We field many curious questions on such days.

The photo included has Will Storrs with several officials, following his nail biting three set marathon. This match progressed Will into the quarter finals in the 11 years and under Boys competition.  Look at for us at your next JDS tournament.

If you see officials at tournaments, always feel free to come and ask questions. We are only too happy to help you.

Upcoming Courses

  • 10 April – Court Supervisor Course: 6-9.30pm Brisbane (practical 18-19 April)
  • 14 April – Referee and Court Supervisor Workshop: 6-9pm Brisbane. Details have been sent to existing accredited officials. Any official who wishes to attend, please indicate via the link previously communicated.
  • 1 May – Court Supervisor Course: 6-9.30pm Innisfail (practical 23 May)
  • 16 May – Court Supervisor Course: 1-5.30pm Gold Coast (practical 17 May)

Please note – all courses until 30 June, will remain free of charge. From 1 July 2015, there will be an introduction of a course fee.

The minimum age for Line Umpire courses is 16 years; the minimum age for Court Supervisor courses is 18 years. Everyone wishing to be accredited as an Official must have or be able to obtain an approved ‘working with children’ check (commonly known in QLD as a ‘Blue Card).

All courses have a pre-course online learning component. People must register prior to courses – one week prior for Metro; two weeks prior for Regional; to receive in time the online learning along with confirming of attendance. Please note – if courses don’t achieve the minimum number of participants required, we will have no choice but to cancel/postpone.

To express interest in wishing to attend a course, please complete the following link – or contact Cheryl Jenkins at