
14 December 2016 | Tennis Queensland

In their first trip to Australia to compete in the Queensland Teams Event, New Zealand has stopped Metropolitan A from a dominant clean-sweep of all age groups at the popular tournament.

Metropolitan A won the 11s, 13s and 15s events – with New Zealand taking out the 17s.

“I’ve had lots of fun and made some new friends. I like how you play as a team because tennis is an individual sport” said Antonia Lawson from the New Zealand team.

At 14, Lawson had an impressive tournament playing up an age group.

“I came runner up in the 17s and under girls singles and won the 17s teams event. In the teams event I was down 3-1 and thought gosh I need to win this and I won 6-3.”

Michael Gealogo also played for New Zealand, and won the 17s boys singles as well as the teams event.

“We played Metro A who are really good, in the pool we lost 6-2 to them and in the final we got to choose our format and somehow we got through,” said.

“I like everything about the tournament really I never get to come to Australia so it was fun.”

60 teams played in the carnival from NSW, Queensland, the Northern Territory, and for the first time, New Zealand.

Metropolitan A took out the Regional Shield by less than one point ahead of Northern NSW. The shield is worked out with a team’s placings divided by the number of teams in the event.

The full list of results for the teams event is as follows:

Event Winner Runner Up
11/u Metro A Metro B
13/u Metro A Gold Coast A
15/u Metro A Metro B
17/u New Zealand Metro A