
9 April 2019 | Tennis Queensland

Clubs across Queensland have enjoyed one of the biggest injections of money into facilities under the latest round of funding through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. It’s the 99th round of funding through the program, with the following clubs and projects successful in 2019:


$35,000               Beerwah State School – Resurfacing of multi-purpose courts

$25,000               Bloomfield River State School – Construct fencing and install lighting

$3,000                  Bribie Island TC – Purchase of a defibrillator

$35,000               Calen TA – Resurface courts

$7,990                  Emerald District Lawn TA – Purchase of tennis ball machines

$30,000               Flinders TC (Hughenden) – Upgrade lighting to LED

$5,700                  Ipswich District Junior TA – Purchase of a photocopier

$11,452               Kingaroy & District TA – Install water tank and purchase equipment

$35,000               Kumbia TA (near Kingaroy) – Resurface tennis courts

$35,000               Montville TC – Resurface courts and upgrade nets

$35,000               Point Lookout TC – Upgrade courts

$34,767.50          Ridgelands TC (near Rockhampton) – Upgrade court playing surfaces

$35,000               Tamborine TC – Upgrade lighting to LED

$20,075               Woodgate TC – Upgrade kitchen


$347,986.50       TOTAL