6 May 2020 | Tennis Queensland

Ash Barty and John Millman are among a long list of Queensland sporting stars who have teamed up to help Queenslanders through Covid-19.
Tennis Queensland is backing the State government’s Boost Your Healthy campaign, which is a series of online videos and tips to turn backyards into gyms with Queensland’s sporting greats as personal trainers and motivators.
John Millman has posted a 30 second “tiny taps” challenge to see if anyone in the state can beat his score.
Ash Barty will issue her challenge to the state in the coming days via her social media challenges.
Jeff Horn, Gretel Bueta, and Suzie O’Neill are also part of the daily on-line video challenges.
Sport Minister Mick de Brenni said Queenslanders were desperate to see their heroes back in maroon, and joining their heroes for a range of accessible workouts was the perfect tonic to make sure they kept up the good work.
“Queenslanders have had to change the way they live their lives during COVID-19; one of the positive outcomes is that people have been taking more of a conscious effort to look after their health.”