27 August 2020 | Tennis Queensland

An exciting new program is being launched by Tennis Queensland and Tennis Australia to identify and foster the state’s future female leaders.
Female candidates between 15-18 years old from across all regions of Queensland are being invited to apply for the program which aims to support and build confidence in young women who are vital to the future governance of tennis and mentoring younger players to remain in the game.
Attracting and retaining females in all sport is a big challenge and the Future Leaders program will provide opportunities for young women to flourish by establishing resilience in overcoming difficult situations, relationship building and providing Tennis specific education both on and off the court.
To complete the program participants will be required to:
– Attend a Leadership Camp in September (travel subsidies provided for regional participants)
– Complete a Volunteer Club Project
– Attend and participate in Virtual Learning Sessions
Queensland Tennis clubs are encouraged to nominate a prospective female leader with the candidate to complete and submit this application by 7 September 2020.
A minimum of two participants will be selected per region by our panel and the selection will be based upon previous experiences, career ambition, submission details and your support.
For more information email: tennisqueenslandinfo@tennis.com.au.