
11 January 2023 | Tennis Queensland

The Australian National Junior Tennis Championships provide a unique opportunity for Australia’s best up-and-coming junior tennis players to gain valuable experience competing against other top ranked players, across a variety of different court surfaces (hardcourt, grass and clay).

Nationals has long been held far and wide across Australia, hosting some of the country’s best up and coming juniors, including prolific players such as Ash Barty, Nick Kyrios and Alex de Minaur, all previous competitions and winners.

To further improve the experience and atmosphere of the National Junior Tennis Championships, Tennis Australia welcome clubs to work with Tennis Queensland in submitting an expression of interest to host events from 2023 to 2025.

The successful host venues will collaborate to deliver an even greater on-court and off-court experience for all stakeholders including players, parents, private coaches and officials.

Many specific venue considerations (linked below) are important to deliver a National Junior Tennis Championship event however, unique offerings are not to be overlooked that could truly enhance the event and show Australia what Queensland has to offer.

Some considerations for potential host venues include:

  • Can larger functions be held throughout the event, e.g. Welcome Functions, player parties, parent social functions, excursions to local tourism sites, official/formal presentation prize-giving ceremonies.
  • Can local professional players or past champions be incorporated into events somehow or even local celebrities
  • Can the event be used to improve the presentation of the venue – Funding obtained to improve court fencing, landscaped areas, re-furbished clubhouse.
  • Can commemorative player t-shirts be designed and sold / Locally designed trophies and/or prizes sourced?
  • Can Ball Kids from the local club and community be sourced for the finals matches?

Applications will be reviewed by the Professional Events & Officiating team with input from the Performance team. The level of Tennis Queensland involvement, external funding that can be sourced and the requirement for a geographical spread will also be taken into consideration.

If you feel your club and venue would be suitable to host one of the following events please get in touch with the Queensland Competitive Play team at ( before the expression of interest deadline displayed next to the event.


2023 & 2024
11/U, 13/U, & 15/U Australian Team Championships
2023 & 2024
12/U & 14/U Australian Hardcourt Championships
2024 & 2025
12/U & 14/U Australian Grasscourt Championships
16 January 2023 13 March 2023 27 March 2023
2022 Event Overview 2022 Event Overview