17 January 2023 | Tennis Queensland
Summer is here, and that means one thing … tennis season!
While the stars are in our stadiums and on our screens, national and state-wide marketing aims to capture the interest in tennis, and inspire people to do more than watch the game. We want them to find their local club and book a way to play.
All summer, our marketing will be enticing people to head to play.tennis.com.au through TV, radio, podcasts, billboard, and social media advertising.
In Queensland, there will be an even bigger push between 23 Jan – 5 Feb, as we encourage people to hit up their local.
To make the most of the mass marketing effort, we’re encouraging clubs to promote themselves at the same time. Your local venue could decide to promote something as grand as an open day, or as simple as court hire.
We look forward to getting more people playing this summer and beyond.
Want to get involved? To make things easy, you can start with the resources and guide below.