
5 September 2024 | Tennis Queensland

Please be advised that Tennis Queensland is welcoming nominations for the upcoming Board vacancies.

Tennis Queensland is committed to diversity and inclusion and encourages nominations from people of diverse backgrounds, gender, age groups, and experiences.

Elections will be held for the following Board positions at the upcoming Tennis Queensland Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on Saturday 9th November 2024:

  • Two Elected Director positions (three-year term)

Following these elections, the Tennis Queensland Board of Directors will appoint two further Board positions at the first Board meeting following the AGM:

  • One Appointed Director position (three-year term)
  • One casual vacancy in an Elected Director position (two-year term)

Tennis in Queensland

Tennis continues to grow across Queensland, with over 229,000 participants, across 232 affiliated clubs/venues, supported by a passionate coaching network of 525 coach members. Volunteers and stakeholders at the grassroots level are vital in delivering the sport, including some 280 events and tournaments across the year.

Tennis Queensland’s vision to be to be the number one sport in Queensland for participation, inclusivity and accessibility. As well as overseeing the implementation of the Strategy, Directors ensure sound governance of the organisation, and exhibit the Tennis Queensland values of respect, collaboration, imagination, and excellence. Directors play a significant role in supporting staff, volunteers, and stakeholders as new opportunities and challenges arise, working together to connect more people to our sport in meaningful ways.

As a leader in gender equity and inclusion, Tennis Queensland aims to ensure that no gender accounts for more than 60% or less than 40% of the total number of Directors. This is reflected in the Tennis Queensland Constitution (clause 10.18) and is also looked upon favourably with key stakeholders.

Skills and Experience:

Tennis Queensland is committed to securing and maintaining a balanced and skilled Board to represent the interests of tennis in Queensland. To do this effectively, the Board, as a collective, requires tennis industry knowledge, specialist skills, experience, education and diversity.

Tennis Queensland is seeking qualified individuals with experience and specialist skills in:

  1. Corporate – legal, governance, finance, risk management
  2. Commercial – marketing, sponsorship, media
  3. Property – venues, medium-large scale facility development

Nomination Process: 

Nominees should complete and return the following documents:

  1. Director Nomination Form
  2. Covering Letter, no longer than one-page
  3. A Curriculum Vitae (CV), no longer than two-pages

Upon submitting your nomination, you will receive a notification of receipt. If you do not receive this within 24 hours, please email [email protected]

Once your nomination has been submitted, the nomination review process is as below:

  1. Nominations and eligibility are reviewed by the Tennis Queensland Governance Committee
  2. The Governance Committee may provide recommendations to the Board as well as Regional Members
  3. The Governance Committee may conduct interviews with eligible nominees during the week commencing 30th September 2024
  4. Unless otherwise notified, all nominees will be placed on the ballot paper for the election to be held at the AGM on Saturday 9th November 2024
  5. Nominees for a Board appointed position will be assessed by the Board of Directors, at the first meeting after the AGM, with appointments made following the meeting


Nominees must:

  1. Hold and provide their Director ID through the Australian Business Registry Service upon nomination
  2. For an Elected Director position, be residents within Queensland and at least 18 years of age, of good repute and character, and have met, when due, all fees and other sums of money owing by that person to Tennis Queensland

Directors must:

  1. Within 21 days of election, resign from their position/s as Regional Assembly Chairperson, Regional Member, or Delegate if one of these positions is held at the time of election/appointment
  2. Hold or be eligible to hold a blue card
  3. Not be of unsound mind or convicted of a criminal offence and must be willing to obtain a National Police Check

Position Details:

The Board currently meets six times each year. Additionally, Board Committees meet 3-4 times a year, along with two full Company meetings annually. All meetings are generally held at the Queensland Tennis Centre at Tennyson in Brisbane, with the capability and option for virtual attendance if preferred.

This is a voluntary role.

Further details:

The above necessary documents must be received by 9am Saturday 28th September 2024, through the online form.