9 November 2015 | Tennis Queensland

Registrations are now open for the Tennis Australia Court Supervisors course!
Date: Friday 11th December (face to face theory component)
Time: 6pm to 9:30pm
Where: Queensland Tennis Centre (coaches meeting room)
Practical Assessment: 12th to 16th December at Morningside Tennis Centre. (Participants to be available minimum one full day or two half days during this period).
Course Fee: Free
Participants must be minimum of 18 years of age; all wishing to be involved are required to obtain a working with children government check (QLD Blue Card); an eye test is also required for completion of Tennis Australia Officiating Membership.
Registration close midday Friday 4th December.
Participants that are interested and require further information for the course, please contact Cheryl Jenkins via email on cjenkins@tennis.com.au.
Become an official today!