
29 February 2016 | Tennis SA

First Aid Focus – by Ross Smith, Australian First Aid
Sprains & Strains

Prevention is always better than cure. To help prevent incidents of sprains and strains it is vital to warm up before the game. Gentle stretching; warming of muscle and increasing blood flow to other soft tissue is the best way to assist in preventing sprains and strains. Well warmed up joints, ligaments and muscles have less chance of injury than cold starts to a game.

What is a Sprain or Strain?

Sprains are joint injuries that involve damage to ligaments or a joint capsule, and commonly occur at the wrist, ankle or thumb.

Strains are injuries to muscles, or to the tendons that connect muscles to bones. They often affect the calf, hamstring or groin.

Signs & Symptoms (a sign is what you can see, a symptom is what the injured person feels)
Signs & Symptoms of sprains and strains may include:
• Pain
• Stiffness
• Swelling of the affected tissue
• Reduced function of the affected tissue
• Bruising may also be present.

First Aid Treatment

In first aid we use the acronym RICER to treat sprains and strains.
1. Rest – stop the activity and rest the injured area, trying to ‘run out’ a sprain or strain can cause further damage and potential long-term injury.
2. Ice – place covered ice or ice pack onto the affected area (ensure you never put ice directly onto skin, it can stick and cause cold burns) 15 to 20 minutes application, repeat every 2 hours. If possible wrap cling film firmly over the ice/area to apply some compression before taking it off.
3. Compression – remove ice and apply a firm but not tight elastic compression bandage over the injured area.
4. Elevate – the limb or injured area (if possible) during treatment, this helps reduce blood flow thus reduces swelling.
5. Refer – see a Doctor if the injury becomes worse, or you suspect a fracture, or experience numbness to the injured area.

Continue RICE every 2 hour for 24 hours, or until the person sees a doctor.

View the YouTube clip to follow First Aid Treatment for sprains and strains;

> For first aid training visit or call 1300 975 889

> Find out about the upcoming First Aid Course for Tennis on Monday 18 April.

> About Ross Smith