First Aid Focus – by Ross Smith (paramedic) Australian First Aid
This months First Aid Tip is going to focus on families. Away from sporting activity and lets look at our homes and surrounds. Most of us consider our home is safe, however for children, in particular small children many dangers exist. It’s a good time to remind everyone to be proactive about home safety and in case an accident does happen ‘BE PREPARED’ and learn first aid skills.
You may not be aware that more children are injured, die and hospitalised from accidents in and around the home than any other cause in Australia.
Some Basic Statistics
- Each year about 250 Australian children (aged 0-14 years) are killed in and around homes
- Each year – approximately 58,000 children are hospitalised by unintentional injuries – the kind often referred to as accidents.
- In 2015 26 children 0 – 14 years old drowned in Australia and many more suffer impairment from emersion (near drowning)
- 3000 are hospitalised due to poisoning (medication & detergents)
- 35,000 visit hospital from crush injuries and class cuts
- 1,200 are hospitalised due to scalds
- 1,300 are hospitalised with finger jams (many suffering amputations)
- 6,000 are hospitalised due to falls in the home
- A staggering 200,000 visit hospital emergency departments annually from injuries in and around the home. (Kidsafe Australia)
I completely understand how time poor families can be, with work, sports and just being a family time is precious. This is why Australian First Aid has developed a new in-home, club or venue of choice a course called First Aid Fast. The course is designed to be tailored to suit specific clients needs and in this case we have tailored a course just for families.
The course duration is 2.5 to 3 hours with a minimum of 8 participants we can even hold the course in your home. Why not get Mum, Dad, Grandparents, Uncle’s and Aunties together and hold a course in your home at a time to suit you.
The course covers basic home safety issues, looks at extreme danger zones for children, for example, pools, ponds and driveways. Offers safety tips to ensure your home is the safest it can be for children and we cover a variety of common first aid management needed for injuries in and around the home including choking & CPR.
Cost is $40 pp (Children under 12 are free) and its OK to have the little ones around during the course. (Course fee includes a magnetic First Aid Fast video Flip Chart for all participants that covers a range of first aid emergencies to place on your fridge as a quick reference guide valued at $10 each)
I personally come to your home and conduct these courses, I have 20 years experience as a paramedic and 15 + years in first aid and safety training.
Your can contact me direct to book or discuss the course in more detail:
On 0402431164 or ross@aplgroup.com.au or ross@lifetimesafety.com.au