Last night a small and casual function was held at Tennis SA, to award five special people with a Tennis SA Service Award.
Marilyn Large (on behalf of Janet Harper), Mike Dawson, Allan Goodall, Deb Clarke and Tony Ey (pictured L – R) were presented trophies and an individual framed award (with the following information included on it) by Tennis SA President, Kent Thiele (pictured far L) and Tennis SA Board Member, Rick Baldock (pictured far R) to commemorate their invaluable contributions towards Tennis in South Australia.
The Tennis SA Service Award recognises people who have demonstrated their contribution to the sport of tennis through devoted and significant service to any one or more of the State Tennis Associations’ affiliated tennis clubs and/or associations and/or member organisations. Except for Life Membership, the Tennis SA Service Award is the highest honour that Tennis SA can be bestow to anyone in tennis.
Janet Harper (Posthumously Awarded)
Janet Harper, you have demonstrated a sustained and valuable contribution to the game of tennis in South Australia through your long and diligent service as a volunteer at the Australian Men’s Hardcourt Championships and the World Tennis Challenge. Because of your love and interest in the game you have given generously of your time for over 20 years in the Tournament Office at our major events.
Janet Harper, you have made a substantial contribution to Tennis in South Australia through the organisation and conduct of our major events. Your service to and passion for our game has led to you being a highly respected and valued member of our volunteer team at major events making you a worthy recipient of the Tennis SA Service Award.
Deb Clarke
Deb Clarke, you have worked for the good of tennis in South Australia for over 20 years in your capacity as a volunteer at the Australian Men’s Hardcourt Championships and more recently at the World Tennis Challenge. You have worked at these events in a variety of roles from hospitality to player services in Tournament Office. During this time you have been an enthusiastic and highly professional member of our event staff giving of your time generously over the two weeks of our annual events.
Deb Clarke, your long-term, high level of commitment to tennis in South Australia through our major events is commendable. Your contribution to our major events has been outstanding and you are a worthy recipient of the Tennis SA Service Award.
Mike Dawson
Mike Dawson, you have worked as a volunteer at Tennis SA’s major events for over 15 years and during this time you have contributed significantly to our events and the game through your role as courtesy car driver. You have positively impacted on the events in which you have worked enabling our events to be viewed as warm, welcoming and player friendly.
Mike Dawson, your voluntary work for the tennis community in South Australia through the Australian Men’s Hardcourt Championships and the World Tennis Challenge has enabled our major events to become highly regarded and well respected. Your contribution as a volunteer to tennis has been outstanding and you are a worthy recipient for the Tennis SA Service Award.
Allan Goodall
Allan Goodall you have been involved with the Australian Men’s Hardcourt and the World Tennis Challenge for over 20 years in your role as a courtesy car driver. Through your voluntary service you have made a significant and tangible contribution to the game of tennis in South Australia. This has always been done with great respect and care for the players who compete at our events.
Allan Goodall, your willingness to contribute to the game of tennis in South Australia has been highly valued by those who know you and have worked with you. Your experience as a valued member of the courtesy car team for our major events makes you a worthy recipient of the Tennis SA Service Award.
Tony Ey
Tony Ey, Tennis SA has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with you for over 20 years managing the Courtesy Car team at both the ATP Australian Men’s Hardcourt Championships and World Tennis Challenge. In this time you have been instrumental in keeping the team together and ensuring that the provision of transport services to players and officials has run smoothly and effectively.
Tony Ey your continuous high level of service to tennis is South Australia at our major events is commendable. Your experience and care for your staff and all with whom you interact makes you a worthy recipient of the Tennis SA Service Award.