
3 January 2017 | Tennis SA

Country Carnival – Saturday 7 January

Due to the extreme heat forecast for tomorrow (Saturday 7 January) all WTC Country Carnival matches will be cancelled. This decision is based on the projected temperatures and in line with the Tennis Australia Heat Policy (see below).

With the temperature cooling down for Sunday we look forward to seeing all participants then.

Les Tapp Inter Association – Friday 6 January

Les Tapp Inter Association matches have been cancelled due to extreme heat. The Les Tapp Inter Association Presentations planned for 6.30pm tonight have also been cancelled.

Tennis SA will work with the Associations’s Coordinators to provide awards to the winner’s and runner’s up over the coming week.

Thanks for your participation in the event and hope you manage to keep cool today!

With the WTC Les Tapp Inter Association (4th-6th)  and WTC Country Carnival (7th-11th) coming up over the next 10 days and the high temperatures forecast, please see below the process for checking weather cancellations and the Tennis Australia Heat Policy which will be applied.

Tennis Australia Heat Policy

As outlined in the Tennis Australia Heat Policy, matches will be cancelled at the following temperatures

  • 36 degrees for juniors
  • 38 degrees for seniors

As outlined above there are different cancel temperatures for Seniors and Juniors meaning there may be some cases for the Country Carnival teams events where Junior matches are cancelled and Senior matches will proceed as scheduled.

> Extreme Weather Policy

How cancellations will be communicated

As both Les Tapp Inter Association and Country Carnival are played using allocated match times, cancellations will be communicated 90 minutes prior to the scheduled session start time using the following communication methods;

For example, if a session is due to start at 11am, the Tennis SA weather line and Facebook page will be updated from 9:30am.

In the case the temperatures are well above those outlined in the Heat Policy, Tennis SA may make the decision to cancel sessions further ahead of time.

It is highly unlikely any 8:30am sessions will be cancelled.