
17 September 2018 | Tennis SA

South Australian clubs are encouraged to take part in Tennis Australia’s annual national survey of tennis facility operations.

The Occupational Health Check (OHC) survey assesses venue management, usage and sustainability. Survey data is used to produce industry benchmarks, which enables clubs and venue operators to annually compare results against their own previous performance, and against other venues of a similar size. Tennis Australia recommends all tennis venues complete the OHC annually.

> Occupation Health Check – Input Data Sheet


For all clubs who complete their OHC by Friday 28 September 2018 (for data based on the 2017/18 financial year) will go in the random draw prize to win one of three New Balance vouchers valued at $200 each!

All clubs who have successfully submitted their complete OHC since Sunday 1 July will be eligible for the prize draw.

Winners will be notified via phone and email during the week of Monday 8 October.


The survey can be completed by venue operators or clubs affiliated to Tennis SA.

The information required to complete the survey may need to be obtained from various people within the club or venue (such as coaches, volunteers, administrators, asset owner) and therefore a collaborative approach is recommended to provide a complete set of quality data.


OHC data can be used to track your operational performance year on year. You will be able to see trends in venue usage, expenditure, income and management. In addition to measuring annual operational performance, you can also use the data to inform annual strategic and business planning and to provide valuable evidence to support funding applications. You will receive your data insights via a summary report within two weeks of completing the OHC online.

You will receive greatest benefit when you complete the OHC as an annual part of your club planning and review. Further information and examples of OHC benefits are provided in the guidelines sent to participants at the end of the survey period.

> Find out more about the OHC survey