
4 June 2020 | Tennis SA

The Direction for Public Activities has now been put in place by South Australian State Coordinator, Commissioner Stevens (available here). This Direction replaces the Non-Essential Business and Other Activities Direction and the Gatherings Direction we have used previously.

The following updates now apply:

Change rooms and toilets

  • Communal changing rooms and shower facilities must not be used, however toilet facilities can be made available


  • Indoor public meetings are permitted (all attendees must be seated and attendance records must be kept)

Maximum occupancy

  • No more than 20 people can be situated in a single room or enclosed area (subject to density requirement and physical distancing principle)
  • Primarily outdoor sports venues may have up to 80 people (excluding staff) in the outdoor sporting areas, provided they are clearly separated in groups of up to 20 people (subject to density requirement and physical distancing principle)
  • They may also have up to 80 additional people (excluding staff) indoors, with a maximum of up to 20 people per room, as long as there are enough rooms with sufficient square metres to accommodate this (subject to density requirement and physical distancing principle)
  • As such, sports venues with indoor and outdoor areas may have up to 160 people on site, provided they have enough and sufficiently large spaces both indoors and outdoors
  • People employed or engaged to work, or undertaking official duties are not to be counted as part of these gatherings

Food and beverage service

  • Purchase and consumption of food or beverages in clubrooms/clubhouses is permitted if the food and beverages (including alcohol) are only consumed by patrons while seated at tables
  • Canteens can be open for the purchase and consumption of snack or hand-held food and non-alcoholic beverages by people while attending sport (including sports training) fitness or recreation activities

All activities are subject to the density requirement (one person per 4 square metres), maximum occupancy requirement and physical distancing principle (1.5 metres between people), along with our Community Tennis Guidelines (available here) stating:

  • Only people core to playing should attend tennis activities such as players, participants, coaches and operational personnel
  • Arrive and leave as close as possible to when you need to be there
  • Only one parent/guardian should accompany younger children where possible

COVID-Safe plan
In accordance with South Australian Government requirements, all venues must complete a COVID-Safe plan. The COVID-Safe plan is available here.

A copy of this plan must be made available at your venue and a copy should also be forwarded to Luke Taylor (

Department of Human Services COVID-19 Support Grant (applications close 31 October)
Grants SA is a one-off project-funding program that provides grants to not-for-profit community organisations to improve community participation, wellbeing and quality of life for people living and working in South Australia. Please click here for more information.