
19 August 2020 | Tennis SA

Tennis SA is pleased to announce the launch of the Tennis SA Club Development Workshop Series which will be held in lieu of the in-person Club Development Annual Conference.

The Workshop Series will allow for sessions to be held online with participants able to join in from the comfort of their own home or club, and the capacity to tune in to recordings if the timing isn’t suitable.

The first Workshop of the Series will be held on Thursday 3 September from 6pm, with special guest presenter Michael Burke (SA Sports Partnership Manager) from The Australian Sports Foundation. Michael will provide a good understanding of how your club can fundraise effectively with the help of the Sports Foundation. There’ll also be an opportunity to pick his brains for some fundraising tips and tricks during the Q&A session and learn about an upcoming grant opportunity.

The team will also provide participants with an update of key activities and initiatives for the upcoming months, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions via the live chat which the team can either address immediately or answer directly in the coming days.

For more information, get in touch with your Club Development or Regional Officer HERE. And the live link details will be available shortly!


About The Australian Sports Foundation

The Australian Sports Foundation is Australia’s leading sports fundraising organisation and charity, and the only fundraising platform in Australia that provided a tax deduction for donations to sport. In the last 30 years, the Sports Foundation has helped clubs raised hundreds of millions of dollars for facilities, equipment, coaching and, more recently, to survive through Covid and beyond.