
22 May 2024 | Tennis SA

National Volunteer Week recognises the diverse passions and talents everyone brings. Thank you for your commitment and the positive impact within the tennis community.

Q: How long have you been a volunteer?

I have been a volunteer I think since around the age of 8 (36 years!). It started out at my soccer club where my grandparents and parents were heavily involved. I would help my Oma with cleaning the club and my Mum with canteen duties, moving onto other roles as I got older. I’d say I started being a tennis volunteer at around 11-12. My Dad was on the junior committee at the club so I would help him with different things, which moved into coaching juniors, mowing the lawns, club president, secretary and everything else in between!

Q: Tell us about your favourite part of your role.

My favourite part of the role is seeing the young kids enjoy themselves out on court and the excitement they get when they connect with a tennis ball for the first time. And just the friendships made from being involved in a club. It’s very rewarding.

Q: Favourite Tennis memory.

My favourite tennis memory is a bit tricky and I probably have 2! The first being awarded Life Membership of my club, which was a huge honour to be acknowledged for my work and commitment and the other memory is playing SAPSASA and being selected when I was a year 5. Which was basically unheard of back then. It was just for years 6 & 7. I then got selected the next 2 years so went for 3 years. After year 7 SAPSASA I got selected for a talent camp and went away with other kids to a camp at Wirrina Cove. I felt special for getting to do that!