Fast4 Tennis
FAST4 Tennis has been showcased with the stars and is the fun and fast way to have a hit with friends. FAST4 Tennis is a great way to retain and attract players, generating more revenue for your club. It is also a great option for converting social competitions or higher level players too.
FAST4 Tennis is FAST, FUN, FRIENDLY and FLEXIBLE. It is a TEAM based league and you can alter the following elements to suit your environment:
- Number of players in a team (any number on team list)
- Ball used
- Length of time
- Singles; Singles & Doubles; Doubles
- Format type (single FAST4 set, best of 2, best of 3)
- Music and energetic environment
- Season length
For a social level product the following are useful recommendations:
- Four player teams (any number on team list)
- All doubles (same gender or unisex)
- Team names and colours
- 75% compression balls
- 90 mins (4 sets of FAST4) and music
- 8 week season at centralised venue
Rules & Regulations
- Play Lets (in doubles either of the receiving pair can play the let)
- No AD scoring (at deuce “next point wins” and receivers decide which side)
- Tiebreaker at 3 games all (first to 5 points)
- 2 points serving each (starting deuce side)
- If Tiebreaker reaches 4-4 it’s “next point wins” and players spin racquet with winning pair deciding who serves; receivers decide which side.
- First to 4 games wins the set
South Australian FAST4 Tennis Deliverers:
- Blackwood Tennis Club – 0407 602 694
- Burnside Tennis Club – 0417 815 974
- Adelaide University Lawn Tennis Club – 8313 5403
- Salisbury Tennis Club – 0419 819 866
- Broadview Tennis Club – 0412 099 030
- Henley South Tennis Club – 0407 216 158
- Tea Tree Gully Tennis Club – 0401 559 163
- Warradale Park Tennis Club – 0411 659 265
- Reade Park Lawn Tennis Club – 0421 619 366
- Angaston Tennis Club – 0478 761 698