
Intellectual Disability Tennis

Tennis Australia and Tennis SA are committed to embracing diversity by ensuring our sport and events are welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. We believe that being inclusive is reflecting the diversity of our local communities and that everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful.

Inclusion is about providing choice for people to participate in sport in a way that they feel comfortable. As well as mainstream tennis opportunities, there are a variety of initiatives that people with an intellectual disability or autism can choose to participate in.

As well as mainstream tournaments tennis also provides a range of opportunities from participation through to elite competitive pathways.

  • Down Syndrome come and try days
  • PWII come and try days
  • Talent Development identification sessions
  • PWII National Tournaments
  • PWII State Squads
  • Australian Tennis Championships
  • Virtus World Tennis Championships
  • Global Games
  • Special Olympics

If you want to understand more about the range of opportunities, activities and programs available please contact us at


Below is an outline of the Eligibility Criteria to participate in our programs and events:

Classification Eligibility Criteria PWII Tennis Tournaments
Intellectual disability
– full-scale IQ score of 75 or lower;
– significant limitations in adaptive behaviour;
– onset before age 18
– PWII Silver Series
– PWII State Tournaments
– Australian Tennis Championships
– Virtus World Tennis Championships
– Global Games
– Special Olympics Events
Significant intellectual disability
(this group is currently restricted to athletes with Down syndrome – excluding Mosaic DS)
– a formal diagnosis of Trisomy 21 or Translocation Down syndrome;
– for safety, athletes must not have symptomatic Atlantoaxial Instability (AAI)
– athletes with Mosaic Down syndrome may compete in II-1 above
– PWII Silver Series
– PWII State Tournaments
– Australian Tennis Championships
– Virtus World Tennis Championships
– Global Games
– Special Olympics Events
High Functioning Autism
– a full-scale IQ score of above 75, OR a diagnosis of no intellectual disability, and;
– a formal diagnosis of Autism or ASD
Note: athletes with Autism who meet the criteria for II-1 Intellectual Disability will be classified in that class
– PWII Silver Series
– PWII State Tournaments
– Australian Tennis Championships
– Special Olympics Events
Special Olympics
We acknowledge that some athletes with an intellectual disability may not fall into one of the above classifications. For these athletes, there are a number of Special Olympic events they may be eligible to compete in. For more information, click here.
Want more information on how to get classified, or what’s required?
Sport inclusion Australia
Special Olympics Australia


Click below to view videos from Thriving Communities and Special Olympics Australia

Coaches & Mentors | Archie Graham: World Championships tennis player and coach:

2020 Tennis Australia Australian Open: