The Strathalbyn Tennis Club Inc has held its Junior Age Tournament every year for the last 34 years. This year the Club ran a Tennis SA Sanctioned Junior Development Series and a Junior Tour White Series National Points Tournament over three days from 28 to 30 September 2013.
Players and family members came from all parts of South Australia, as well as entries from New South Wales and Victoria. 94 competitors played 176 matches and we were fortunate to be able to use the additional John Wesley courts at the Oval on the first day. Once again the standard of tennis was very good and played in a sportsman like manner.
The weather was cool and overcast for the start of the tournament on Saturday, but improved to be a perfect day on Sunday, but unfortunately became a testing day on Monday for the completion of the finals.
The Strathalbyn Tennis Club would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors as listed, for without their support we could not have held such a successful tournament: The Alexandrina Council, Victoria Hotel, Strath Motel, IGA Strathalbyn, Lake Breeze Wines, Strathalbyn Medical Centre, Glyn Morris, Strathalbyn Pharmacies, Coopers, Central Sports, L J Hooker, Maidments Meat, KTA General Insurance, Bleasdale Wines, The Southern Argus and the National Bank.
The Club would also like to thank the Tournament Referee Stuart Nancarrow and his team of Court Supervisors, Angus Thomson for his invaluable support and the Club’s many hard working volunteers for the running of this successful tournament.
Winner, runner up and consolation trophies were presented to all the successful players. Details of all the matches are available on the Tennis SA website
Please note our Easter Tournament is on again from Saturday 19 April to Monday 21 April 2014.
2013 Strathalbyn Junior Age Tournament Results
Boy’s 10 Singles
Boy’s 10 Doubles
Boy’s 12 Singles
Boy’s 12 Doubles
Boy’s 14 Singles
Boy’s 14 Doubles
Boy’s 16 Singles
Boy’s 16 Doubles
Girl’s 10 Singles
Girl’s 10 Doubles
Girl’s 12 Singles
Girl’s 12 Doubles
Girl’s 14 Singles
Girl’s 14 Doubles
Girl’s 14 Singles
Girl’s 14 Doubles
Boy’s 16 Doubles
Girl’s 10 Singles