Sunshine Coast Ladies Midweek Tennis Association Inc



SCLMWTA is affilliated with Tennis Queensland and all matches are to be played in accordance with Tennis Queensland Rules.

Please download a copy of the SCLMWTA By-laws below. We recommend that all players familiarise themselves with these rules. They are guidelines for how our association runs fixtures. Keep a copy in your tennis bag for easy reference!

SCLMWTA Constitution:

SCLMWTA has brought the association’s constitution into line with the changes to the Incorporated Associations Act in 2007. New Rules were registered on 29th September 2009 and can be found below:

SCLMWTA constitution amended Sep 2010

Sports Medicine Australia Guidelines:

Sports Medicine Australia’s Tennis Fact Sheet

TA Extreme Weather Policy

Other Rules:

TQ rules for matches without chair umpires also covers doubles etiquette – practise and knowledge of which can only enhance midweek ladies tennis.

A copy of the International Rules of Tennis is available on the Official ITF web site. You can view, save to your files or download a copy – about 68 pages.