
29 September 2010 | Tennis Tasmania

Launceston Regional Tennis Centre Redevelopment
Work on Launceston’s new $2.4 million regional tennis centre has begun. The centre will be attached to the Launceston Indoor Sports Arena and will add 11 new outdoor courts to the 5 existing indoor courts at the centre. The development will see 9 plexi-pave and 2 synthetic clay courts built as well as improvements to the centre’s car park.

The acting general manager of the Launceston City Council, Rod Sweetnam said the council was excited that the centre would “add another quality sporting facility to the city”.

“Construction is well underway,” said Sweetnam. “Most of the vegetation has been cleared from the site and work is about to commence on constructing the base for the courts. Work has also started on widening the road and upgrading the entrance into the precinct.”

Planning for the Launceston Regional Tennis Centre has been ongoing for a number of years. “The need for a Regional Centre in Launceston was identified over twenty years ago and Tennis Tasmania has bas been campaigning hard ever since.”  Tennis Tasmania General Manager, Michael Roberts explained, “The Centre will provide a much needed central tournament venue and ensure a number of new participation programs will be able to be implemented in Launceston” Roberts added, “It’s fantastic to actually see work commence after having to overcome so many hurdles along the way”.

The development has been funded by $1.4M from the State Government, $500,000 from the Federal Government, $400,000 from the Launceston City Council and $100,000 from Tennis Australia.