
22 May 2013 | Tennis Tasmania

Are you a current, emerging or aspiring leader within your tennis club? Would you like to find out how you can inspire those around you to progress ideas within your club? If so, read on….

The Department of Sport and Recreation will be conducting programs in June, for aspiring female leaders to build their skills in a variety of areas that can directly and indirectly help your club grow. All of us have roles to play in the development of healthy, sustainable and progressive clubs. You don’t have to be on a committee, to be involved in club building. You don’t have to have a title, to be a leader.

If you are interested in learning about the tools and strategies that can be utilised in supporting, leading, engaging, and developing your club and its membership base, I urge you to consider taking part in either of the forums scheduled. Details are provided below. Places are limited, so make sure you get moving on it!

  • 2013 Women in Sport – Leadership Development Program
  • Ulverstone (15&16 June) ; Hobart (29&30 June)
  • Applications can be submitted prior to the close of business, Monday 10 June
  • To register : log on to
  • Further information :

Mel Bush

Women Sport and Recreation Tasmania

(03) 6223 4416 or [email protected]