
27 March 2020 | Tennis Tasmania

To the Tasmanian tennis community,


We hope this finds you safe and healthy in these uncertain times.


With the continued escalation of the COVID-19 crisis and in consultation with the tennis community and the Government at each level, Tennis Tasmania has identified that we need to act in the best interest of community health and safety by applying the following recommendations.


Tennis Tasmania is recommending that all tennis activities cease temporarily across the state, from 11:59pm, Saturday 28 March. This recommendation includes:

  • All tennis clubs and centres are to close until further notice
  • All tennis programmes and coaching be postponed or cancelled, including one-on-one coaching
  • All club, association and social play be postponed or cancelled until further notice
  • All public court hire bookings to cease.

This has been an extremely difficult and unique situation, and we know it will be equally difficult for our clubs and coaches, and so many of our community that rely on tennis for their personal wellbeing.


The decision to cease all tennis activity in the state of Tasmania has been particularly difficult as we know the impact this will have on so many of our community – physically, financially and mentally.


Attached is a poster you can display at your facility


Premier Peter Gutwein’s message could not be clearer though when he said, “Stay at home, unless you must be at work or school. Staying home, saves lives.”


We are exploring all appropriate options for resuming tennis in a safe way when health officials deem it safe. This pandemic and these exceptional circumstances will pass and we want to work with our partners to ensure tennis is back bigger and better than ever.


In the meantime, please reach out to any of the Tennis Tasmania team for any further information or support.


This is a challenging time for everyone, please stay home and stay safe.


Kind regards,


Martin Turmine                                           Darren Sturgess

Tennis Tasmania President                  Tennis Tasmania General Manager