24 April 2020 | Tennis Tasmania
Dear Tennis Community of Tasmania,
We hope you are all continuing to keep safe, healthy and well.
With consideration of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and in additional consultation with stakeholders and the Government, Tennis Tasmania and Tennis Australia continues to act in the best interest of community health and safety by upholding the existing recommendations in line with the State Government confirming that social distancing rules will remain in place until 15 May 2020.
These recommendations were originally put into place from 11:59pm, Saturday 28 March and are that:
• All tennis clubs and centres to remain closed until further notice
• All tennis programmes and coaching to remain postponed or cancelled, including one-on-one coaching
• All club, association and social play to remain postponed or cancelled until further notice
• No public court hire bookings to be taken
• The full details of the recommendations can be found here
Premier Peter Gutwein’s consistent message could not be clearer, “Stay home, save lives.”
“As you know, the Tasmanian Government is committed to prioritising the health and safety of all Tasmanians.
As you would be aware, the Premier has announced that the social distancing restrictions will remain in place for at least another month.
The Tasmanian Government has advised that, at this time, it is better to err on the side of caution and postpone games and practice for at least the next four weeks.”
This continues to be an extremely difficult and unique situation, and we thank you for your support and understanding of the communication and recommendations shared thus far. We want to thank all of you that have had communication with us in addition to these updates. This information you provide helps us further understand your situation, and share this insight with Government, our Board and Tennis Australia.
We will continue to work hard and support the Tennis community through this period and beyond, while constantly monitoring, reviewing and staying connected to the recommendations made by the State Government, Councils, and Tennis Australia’s Chief Medical Officer.
Shortly, we will be sending out our Club Resource Kit that will provide useful links and documentation to assist during this time. We thank those who have been sharing online their adapted tennis activity ideas and will look to promote these in the coming weeks through our social media channels using the hashtag #TennisAtHome to encourage our community to stay involved with tennis in a creative way.
Finally, we understand that many of you also want further communication in addition to these updates.
If this is the case, please make contact with the Tennis Tasmania team via the details below and let us know how we can provide you further information in a format and frequency that suits.
• Clubs in South and East:
o Michael Bulis 0468 579 732 [email protected]
o Nicky Ristrom 0478 479 446 [email protected]
• Clubs in North and North West:
o Simon Aufder-Heide 0466 945 186 [email protected]
o Phoebe Davis 0435 969 395 [email protected]
• Coaches:
o Fairlie Lamond 0429 324 754 [email protected]
Please continue to reach out and support those in your network – family, friends and fellow tennis payers and see how they are doing.
Kind regards,
Martin Turmine Darren Sturgess
President General Manager