
31 October 2024 | Tennis Tasmania

Our recommended activity for Term 4 Tennis in Primary and Secondary Classes is Caterpillar. Here’s a recap of the key components of this warm up activity:

  1. Students are divided into two teams, Group A and Group B. Each student is given a racquet and asked to stand in a line next to each other, facing the opposite team. Teh students at the front of each line should be aligned, standing directly opposite one another.
  2. Each team starts with their racquets held flat. A beanbag is placed on the racquet of the first student in each team.
  3. When ready, the teacher will countdown from three and students will work together with their team to pass the beanbag down the line, from one student’s racquet to the next (Note: Students are not allowed to move while the bean bag is on their racquet)
  4. Once student passes the bean bag to the person next to them, student will run around the back of the team and rejoin the line at the end.
  5. First team to make it to the selected finish line is the winner.

Tip: Progression can be if a team drops the bean bag, they must freeze for 3 seconds before continuing. To increase the difficulty, you can use a ball instead of a bean bag.