

Know your committee members’ obligations and how to deal with various issues that arise.

Running an incorporated association

In Victoria, a club or community group that operates as a not-for-profit can be registered as an incorporated association.

Becoming an incorporated association means that the members have decided to give their organisation a formal legal structure. This also means that the club or community group becomes a ‘legal person’, which is a legal entity that stays the same even if its members change.

Under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (the Act), Victorian incorporated associations must register with Consumer Affairs Victoria.

For more information on becoming an incorporated association, the rules and annual reporting requirements and more, head to the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.

Justice Connect

Head to Justice Connect– a national legal service, offering free and affordable legal support for not-for-profit organisations – to find out what’s involved in governing your not-for-profit organisation in compliance with the law, from setting up your rules, to holding meetings. Some free resources include:

Tennis Australia National Insurance Program

As part of your affiliation with Tennis Victoria, you will be covered under the Tennis Australia National Insurance Program.

Insurance Coverage

    • Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance
    • Management Liability Insurance
    • Personal Injury Insurance^

^Restricted Associate Affiliates cannot be provided with Public Liability or Director & Officers insurance under the Tennis Australia National Insurance Program

Certificate of Currency

A Certificate of Currency is the legal document that demonstrates you have Public and Products Liability Insurance.

A copy of your Certificate of Currency is available for download via the Marsh Insurance website.

If you don’t know what your Tennis Australia Affiliation Code is, please contact your Tennis Development Officer.

Tennis Australia National Policies & Guidelines

Tennis Australia National Policies

Affiliates of Tennis Victoria are bound by, and must comply with, the Tennis Australia National Policies, including but not limited to the; Member Protection Policy, Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Policy, Privacy Policy & more.

Affiliates, and all players, coaches, parents/guardians and spectators participating in or attending a Tournament or Competitive Play Event in Australia are also bound by Tennis Australia’s Competitive Play Regulations

Affiliates are encouraged to formally adopt these policies annually, and distribute these amongst your players, parents, and anyone else involved in your tennis activities.

Tennis Australia Guides

Further to the Tennis Australia National Policies, a number of guides have been developed by Tennis Australia to equip you with the foundational knowledge and confidence to help your club and coaches connect with different segments of the community

Developing your own Policies & Risk Management at your club 

Some clubs, associations, coaches, and other tennis providers, may wish to develop their own guidelines policies specific to their needs. The following templates and resources will assist as a starting point.

  • Head to Play by the Rules and check out their tips for identifying and drafting basic policies and guidelines that every club should have.
  • Club Help also provide a suite of resources and templates that you can download and make your own.

Gender Equity Templates

Safeguarding Children
      • Tennis Australia National Policies – Check out all of Tennis Australia’s National Policies, including the Member Protection Policy and Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct
      • Safeguarding Children ResourcesKeep kids safe. Look through Tennis Australia’s resource kit on safeguarding children at your club.
      • Working With Children Check Record Keeping Sheet
        Digital Working With Children Checks
        You can now store your WWCC in digital format on the Service Victoria app. Follow this link for more information on how to download your digital card.
      • Let Kids be KidsStamp out poor sideline behaviour. Read through Play By The Rules’ course and resource pack for advice on how to to maintain a safe environment at your club.
      • Play Safe Victoria Newsletter – Tennis Victoria produces a Safeguarding Newsletter to support affiliates.
Financial Viability – Funding & Grants
      • Grants Calendar Check out our Learn & Serve Calendar which has a list of current grants on offer for your club or association
      • Grant Writing Tips -Be organised. Read through our tips on how to put a plan in place before starting your grant application.
      • Gaining Grants – Increase your chances for success. Read through ClubHelp’s advice for finding, writing and applying for the right grants.
      • 🎥 The Grants Guy – Hear the latest tips & recommendations from Keith The Grants Guy to help your next grant application
      • Strategic Planning – Need a Strategic Plan for an upcoming grant application? Find out more about Tennis Victoria’s Strategic Planning Service.
Additional Resources
      • How to become a Good Sport– Be responsible. Learn about being an accredited Good Sports club to ensure you comply with state liquor laws and serve alcohol responsibly.

Committee Management

Committee management is critical to running tennis at the local level and it is important to have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities on your committee.

As part of supporting the broader Victorian tennis community, we offer a number of Tennis Leadership Programs throughout the year to empower each and every volunteer and administrator to succeed.

Volunteer Management
      • Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers – Recruit and retain volunteers that reflect the culture of your club. Read through our guideline for finding volunteers that share your club’s values.
      • Recognition Program – The Tennis Victoria Recognition Program is our way of thanking the Victorian tennis community for their dedication to the sport.
Committee Roles & Responsibilities
Tennis Leadership Programs
      • Women Leaders in Tennis – The Women Leaders in Tennis program aims to increase the participation of women in community leadership positions.
      • Learn 2 Lead Tennis Australia’s Learn 2 Lead youth leadership program aims to equip young women and gender diverse young people aged 14-18 with leadership skills and confidence to lead change in their local tennis communities.
      • Future Leaders – Tennis Victoria’s Future Leaders Program enables our next generation of volunteers to work closely with our local tennis clubs in creating welcoming environments on and off the tennis court.
      • Play It Forward – Play It Forward or Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a group of Tennis Victoria Youth Program participants who act in an advisory capacity to Tennis Victoria (TV).

Coaching Services 

Effectively manage the coaching services at your venue, and learn how best to foster a win-win relationship between your club and your coach.

Coaching Services
      • Coaching Services Guide – Effectively manage coaching services at your club. Read our guide to tender, appoint, manage and retain coaches.
      • Club-Coach Relationships – Create and continue strong club-coach relationships. We’ve outlined how to achieve common goals in win-win working relationships.
      • Interviewing Coaching Candidates – Choose a coach that’s best suited to your club. We’ve suggested an interview format and questions for finding the right coach.
      • Club Coach Agreement – Set clear roles and responsibilities in the interest of both the club and coach. Refer to our Club Coach agreement template for ideas.

Creating a safe, welcoming & inclusive culture

Creating a welcoming culture will not only support you to engage new people but also retain people at your club.

Engaging with diverse communities
First Nations
Gender Equity at your venue

To assist clubs in creating safe, welcoming and inclusive clubs Tennis Australia is currently in the process of developing a gender equity in clubs. It will be released early 2024 and can be implemented independently or with the support from Tennis Victoria staff, and will be accessed via our Tennis Australia platforms.

Gender Equity Templates

Digital Systems & Products

Affiliated clubs/centres and associations have access to the following systems which have been designed with the tennis administrator in mind.


ClubSpark is an online system designed to simplify administration duties and help connect participants by providing a platform that creates more opportunities to find, access and participate in tennis – more easily and more often.


✔ Membership administration

✔ Database management and communication

✔ Registrations and payments gateway for court hire, events and programs

✔ Build a mobile-friendly website to promote and share information about your venue

✔ View reports highlighting court utilisation, membership numbers, and revenue

Cost $

Free for affiliated clubs, centres & associations^

^Additional costs apply for some affiliation categories.

How to get access

Contact your Tennis Development Officer to get started.

What support is available?

✔ Online resources and how-to guides available at, including pre-recorded training webinars on each module

✔ Online ClubSpark software training sessions is conducted on a regular basis, click here to view current schedule and register

League Manager

League Manager is a league management system that allows clubs/centres and associations manage competitions in real time.


✔ Generate and view fixtures, ladders, statistics, and reporting

✔Calculate ladders automatically

✔Communicate with players

✔ Manager team availability and selection

Cost $

Free for affiliated clubs, centres & associations^

^Additional costs apply for some affiliation categories.

How to get access

Contact to get started.

What support is available?

✔ Online resources and how-to guides available at

✔ Dedicated support from your Tennis Development Officer or our Tennis Operations team (

Tournament Planner

Tournament Planner is software designed to manage any type of tournament.


✔ Easy scheduling, using player availability, court availability, other matches etc.

✔ Generating and viewing reports for matches, players, draws and more

✔ Endorsed Tournaments and Events can published online

Cost $

Free for affiliated clubs, centres & associations^

^Additional costs apply for some affiliation categories.

How to get access

Contact to get started.

What support is available?

✔ Online resources and how-to guides available at

✔ Dedicated support from your Tennis Development Officer or our Tennis Operations team (

For more information or to access our online support resources and guides, head to

Strategic Planning

Developing a plan is important for the long term sustainability of your club, centre or association.

At Tennis Victoria, we understand that having a clear identity, vision and strategy enables clubs, centres and associations to create safe and inclusive thriving Victorian tennis communities, enabling more people to play more often.

We provide customised a Strategic Planning Service, with ongoing support, tailored to yours, and tennis’, unique needs and circumstances. Our Strategic Planning Service will assist you in:

Defining your purpose – including your vision and mission statement

Understanding the environment you operate in

Identifying opportunities where we provide support to help you achieve these

Developing and documenting clear, actionable goals

For more information contact your local Tennis Development Officer.