
6 April 2011 | Tennis Victoria

Fawkner Tennis Club held a free ‘come and try day’ on Sunday 13 February for people with a disability. The clinic was open to people of all ages and catered for individual needs, with the opportunity to progress to club participation. The event was a huge success with 18 people of various ages and abilities attending the clinic.

Coach David McAllister demonstrated basic to intermediate tennis skills and his philosophy is one that should be adopted by all.

“I simply treat people with disabilities the same as any other avid tennis player,” said McAllister.

Tennis Victoria’s Community Tennis Officer, Nick Whitefield assisted in facilitating the day and provided players with support and giveaways.

The club put on afternoon tea, which was a welcome break for the exhausted tennis players.

Neil Campbell, the club’s Secretary said that the day ran very smoothly.

“Participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves [and the club] will look to commence a monthly social program for beginners,” said Campbell.

The club has now developed the monthly social program for beginners and is also looking at setting up a similar program for players from new arrival communities, as it attempts to make the club inclusive for all.