
21 July 2011 | Tennis Victoria

Tennis Victoria congratulates the following 14 players who were selected to represent Victoria at the 2011 Bruce Cup in Canberra from 15 – 22 October 2011:

  • Jackson Ross
  • Todd Millington
  • Connor DiMarco
  • Christopher Cox
  • Jeremy Taylor
  • Cody Gunn
  • Cooper Wyett
  • Bethany Toner
  • Stephanie Serafidis
  • Kate Vaughan
  • Gabrielle Ruffels
  • Gabrielle Sprague
  • Cindy Tamber
  • Teodora Vuruna

The Bruce Cup is a prestigious national schools tennis championships open to girls and boys aged 12/u. The Bruce Cup is conducted by School Sport Australia (SSA) in partnership with Tennis Australia. The national event attracts Australian ranking points.

SSV selects a state representative team of seven boys and seven girls to compete in this annual national team competition through a series of local school events, starting with district trials, then regional championships culminating in the SSV State Championships. Victoria has finished runner-up to QLD for the last three years.

More information about the Bruce Cup