
20 October 2011 | Tennis Victoria

Over fifty per cent of the growing membership at Hampton Park Tennis Club comprises of juniors. With this in mind the inclusion of two juniors – Stephan Mikhail and Jay Christoforou – to the committee has been both beneficial and significant to the future of the club.

Both the boys play junior and senior tennis and involve themselves in all aspects of club life.Stephan was approached to join the committee in 2010 after expressing ideas to improve the club. He was joined by Jay Christoforou at the 2011 March Annual General Meeting. To have Stephan and Jay on the committee adds a voice to the junior membership, provides the committee with a new perspective and presents Jay and Stephan with a real sense of inclusion.

Stephan and Jay are very dedicated to the club, with Stephan being instrumental in the club purchasing new scoreboards. He researched and obtained prices from a local tennis shop and presented these at a committee meeting, after discussions were voiced about purchasing new scoreboards. As a result, scoreboards have been purchased and are now in use. The boys were also happy to assist in restoring one of the courts damaged in the February floods at a working bee in April, as were the other committed junior members.

Having such committed junior members at the club not only helps in the running of current programs and events at the club but ensures a bright future for the Hampton Park Tennis Club.